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Saturday, January 15, 2011 - 4:26 PM


Wow!! I'm back after a real long time, been thru really alot...
Its a brand new year... Hope u guys are really doing fine....
I'm really finding time to meet all of u and i will i promise ya!
Haha! Its been almost half a year, real long time.
Anyway i wont be updating much...
I will as and when i have the time...
TC ppl!! Chill Out :)

*I cant upload photos... :( *

Friday, July 23, 2010 - 9:36 PM


Hi people , I am Yan Teng here... Helping Jyothi to make this blog look for alive! She had given me a task to spread a news here. She will be busy for the next 6 months starting from next week wednesday due to some of her personal reasons. But she will be back on weekends though.  I will also try to update all of you with her news if she contact me during that period of time.=)

Lets ALL wish Jyothi all the best for the next 6 months then . JYOTHI , JIA YOU!!! MUST TAKE CARE OKAY!! MUST KEEP IN CONTACT WITH US OKAY! LOVES=)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 - 11:41 AM


Hi people!! I'm back once again, UPDATES!

OK... Nth much to share... Updating aft a long time, dun even know wat to update....

Anyway like to share my experience today... WOW!

Today wrk started late for me, so kinda happy, can SLP! But didnt know i will end up SLEEPING so much. Read more u will understand wat I mean.. lols!

I took the LRT then as usual change to the MRT. The train which i took was the one direct to pasir ris, meaning i need nt have to change at Jurong east. When the train reach J.East i was feeling really giddy as it became more packed, i could nt evn move. I was feeling so giddy and guess wat?? I FAINTED in the train, without even knowing! I was gripping on to the hand grip and the next moment i open my eyes, 4 ppl were already trying to carry me up. I was on the floor. The crowded train suddenly became so empty... Suddenly i had a seat to sit! Now u guys know why i slp all the way! lols!

Wat a experience in fact... Anyway, hw r u guys? ME, as usual the same, JYOTHI la babe. Nth much, just wrk n home daily... Hope u guys are enjoying school...

Take Care n K.I.T!! GBU!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 6:16 PM


Hi people!!!


Been years since i last blogged, haha! Nt so exaggerating right! i know la.. How's life people? I've been great but tired! Real tired! New work for the past 1 mth, still trying to cope la.. Hope u guys are doing real gd and at the same time MISSING ME! haha..

IMPORTANT! Jyothi is back on the court with her basketball!

HAHA! Seriously the last time i played was like long long long! Ystd i finally pumped e inflated ball and put myself on the challenge! Ok stamina totally sucks! Accuracy FAIL! out of ten shouts, if 1 go in i like so super high le! haha...

Ok peeps, GTG! I will update whenever i can ya!

Take care and Gob Bless ALL! (=

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - 12:30 PM


Hi people... Its been DONKEY YEARS since i update... As usual back with photos... So enjoy seeing....

Chalet with working friends at East Coast! Awesome day out!

The other day went Yt house to celebrate her birhtday...

Another Birthday celebration at NUH guard house....

SANDY SANDY SANDY!!! Its her and her crazy moves and crazy video! Check it out!

Ok i'm done... More updates next post!!

Monday, November 2, 2009 - 7:20 PM


This post full of pictures, thanks to YT i gt a chance to use com for so long... Watched show's new video, super funny! A must watch drama weekly! Check it out ya... 

Tc guys, more updates soon!

When i stayed in NUH...!

Work days.... Dunno since when...

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgMYCgIxHtUvWMfQ42e1xLPPAzMM8hOMvfeiNs7sIt63wRUkxU2ydaL2nbiV3_oni4C4AIChrqI766h2CSS_vt7HEAHJjnWl6nixJMOMSb5H_a8RbZnTHWa9Gax5WtAZLammn9C513ZqUBJ/s1600-h/DSC00911.JPG">

Those days....

When boredom strikes in the middle of the night!

Singapore Police Force!

Any idea what this weird thing is ??!

Photos During B'day...!